One of the best animated series ever, Avatar: The Last Airbender was a show for the ages. It produced some of the most iconic characters, the protagonist Aang is a lovable Avatar with a heart of gold. This plushie captures the true nature of Aang and is a great collection piece. Perfect for cosplay, toy art, or toy photography scenes; don't let this wonderful plushie pass you by.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Aang Plush
Nickelodeon Happy Smiling Aang (Orange)
Condition - New
8 inches
20.32 centimeters
Kidrobot Phunny Sitting Aang (Yellow)
Condition - New
7 inches
17.78 centimeters
Q-Pals Cool Aang (Blue)
Condition - New
8 inches
20.32 centimeters
20.32 centimeters
Surface clean only